Tuesday, May 16, 2006

15 minutes of fame

Couldn't help laughing over this little incident at the BBC. Poor chap.

Mind you, collecting people from reception in the various BBC buildings is an arduous business. I worked for The BBC years ago (deputy classified ad manager on Homes and Antiques and Gardeners' World Magazines, if you please), in The Woodlands Building a bit further up Wood Lane. It wasn't as labyrinthine as Television Centre, but it was complex enough for me to get a call to collect an interviewee, due to be grilled by my boss and me, and for me to finally reach her after numerous stairs and corridors, to be told that during that time she'd received a call on her mobile offering another position with a prominent magazine publisher, she had carried out a skilled negotiation, and she was very sorry, but didn't want the interview.


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